Wednesday, February 22, 2006

Reader Questions: San Francisco Edition

so the most popular, interesting and only question I haven't gotten asked about my trip is, 'hey zack, what are you doing in San Francisco any way?'

my boss told me back in January that I had to do some training for the present fiscal year. It seems that everyone is supposed to take some career enhancement classes every year. Me and J had been talking about an SF trip for some while, and based on some almost plans we had, I got this SF trip approved - flight, training class, meal allowance, etc. Crazy.
sadly, J's schedule wasn't going to let her come at the same time.
Turns out, we have lots of miles and can get flights for 10 bucks a couple weeks later. We'll be going for about 5 or 6 days, vacation style, around the first week in March.

Anyway - so I'm here taking an Apple course, to teach me how to officially troubleshoot Mac desktops. They brand us on the third day at G5 o'clock.
I know a bunch of the stuff already, but there's definitely a lot that I've learned.
The class has six of us in it, me and these five stereotypes. Which, as I hate to think about, means I

The guy teaching the class loves him some Macs. Boy oh boy does he ever.
He knows a hell of a lot about them too. Not even such an old guy, seemed to me.
It gets a little tedious, but there's always the internet.

1 comment:

lisa said...

if by "vacation style" you mean SPRING BREAK! WOOOOOO.

does going on sb (as the kids call it) at age 30 count?