Monday, February 21, 2005

i'm really bummed

hunter thompson killed himself.

Monday, February 14, 2005

whoa. this is cool

this guy is an idiot-savant.

so he can do incredible things with his mind

check it

Tuesday, February 08, 2005


this is cooooool....

this is awesome - Google Maps

its googles own map site!

you can drag it, zoom it, get directions from point to point, and it works well!

its neat that when you get directions, you can then click on any one part of the directions and a little map with just that segment pops up.

i bet theres other cool stuff too...

Sunday, February 06, 2005

the pats win! but it would have been fun if the eagles had won.

if the eagles had won, philly, where i am, would have been pretty fun.

next year in philadelphia

Tuesday, February 01, 2005

this is just funny because its good to see people like this being called on their shit


thank you haroldburger for re-bringing this to my attention

seriously the best show i've been to in a long time

arcade fire.

their album, which is quite good, shockingly doesnt do them justice.
they are so great to see live, with awesome energy

an absoute must-see.

but get the album too
or ask me for it

the mp3 bridge thing I would get

is this squeezebox thing

it uses open-source software, streams over wifi, and has a whole community of users that customize like crazy and write cool plugins for it.

you hook it up to your stereo, which is not bad cause it looks good.
then you setup the software on your computer and the box finds it easily and streams from the computer and plays over your killer speakers.

plugins are cool as hell. they range from email to weather to being able to stream video to whatever else you can think of.

it comes with a good remote, but it can also be controlled through any web browser, pocket pc, palm, series 60 OS cell phones, also certain universal remotes, pronto remote devices...

check out the community link

its really cool.

caller id on your computer? thats cool.

yeah, if your computer has a caller id compatible modem
(find out here: )
then you can use this thing to tell you whos calling without having to get up and go to the phone

you can also use it for sending messages to people on your LAN

you like a band...this tells you other bands you might like

maybe not the most useful thing in the world, but kind of neat.

i just wonder what formula, etc they are using...

winamp iPod plugin

this is cool.

theres a plugin for winamp (i'm using 5.x...and on the install, if you do the custom install, be sure to include the library function) that lets you totally manage your ipod.
you can put songs on and off, sync (if you like that kind of thing) and edit tags.

its free and it works well.

winamp plugin

new site for neat software tips, etc

a lot of it is already well-known by tech-savvy folk, but good stuff to check out