Monday, November 21, 2005

well that was fun

what a weekend!

friday night dinner
an entirely fun time
then a bike ride home in the cold.

waking up and brunching
found a new place around the corner.

playing ball (one of a few times in the last 8 years)
stretching and exercising for a little while.

meeting up for pizza bagels and beer
first time in that place since j was in college
and then to smoke's, where I've never been.

seeing a play at the kelly writers house
and what a play it was. dan put out some
pretty wild stuff.
the play was very good.

on to lt's for drinks and people talking
my neck hurt so I went home.

we chilled till late night and went to sleep.
the bed broke. in the morning, I went to the couch for
the extra room.

then for the second time in two days, we
went to brunch. at that point, we all went home
and hung around.

we went for coffee, after a while.
I went off to my class, and everyone came
for the show. it was pretty good, actually, and I
was definitely happy about it.

back to the house, and chinese food
with lots of talking and tv watching.

more talking and then everyone left.

we updated our ipods and went
to bed.

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