Wednesday, April 20, 2005

i just cant see it...nazis and pot?

this link is to an article in the tahoe daily tribune that talks about some defacing of public property that was done using lots of nazi imagery such as swastikas and the like.
along with the swastikas were the numbers 420.
the sheriff is quoted as saying that it likely refers to "national smoke marijuana day".
As i wrote the reporter in the text of the email below, had he done the smallest amount of research, he would have found that 420 actually most likely refers to the fact that it is Hitlers birthday - April 20.

maybe any chance "they" get, "they" like to associate pot with violence, not unlike the hilarious anti-pot commercials we see all the time on tv.

my email to 'journalist' who wrote the article:

with regards to the article about hate-graffiti and swastikas, you quoted someone from the sheriff's office as saying that the "420" is likely in reference to the 'national smoke marijuana day'.

had you done a small amount of research (on google for example), you would have found that 4/20 is actually the birthday of Hitler, and likely the source of the graffiti.

a correction or at least a note would be nice.

if you have ever smoked, or otherwise ingested marijuana, you would realize how unlikely it is to be connected to nazi-ism/violence and what it stands for.



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