Wednesday, May 11, 2005

the songs in my head are yours

if you're someone interested in 'roots' music, as i tend to be, this is something you should check out...
its a guy who found some recordings of an Inuit singer. it sounds really cool, i think.
as the post says, this singer was known for singing in the voices of the characters in his songs.

listening to this stuff, i'm reminded of two things - this awesome documentary me and j saw sometime in the last couple years about a blind blues singer from the west coast, who ends up going to Tuva (somewhere near mongolia) to hook up with these throat singers.
its hard to describe really, but it's totally fascinating.

The second thing is something I saw a long time ago, when I was but a young naked bushman in Nova Scotia. The natives in the area, the micmac, had a form of singing/competition where older women (at least thats all i ever saw do this) would do this crazy fast rhythmic breathing "at" each other. anyway, i'll see if i can find a link to some...

anyway, check it out

wow update - def listen to the 30 minute she-be-she track. as the guy on the site says, these eskimo guys took over a radio station during a cbc strike. wow. listen.
the ode to ayatollah khomeini starts at about 19mins.

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