Tuesday, May 10, 2005

power out in our #3 neighbourhood

so last night was the night the lights went out in center city.
and that name 'center city' - doesn't it sound like a city from a comic book?
like metropolis-dwelling superman and gotham-ite batman go there to visit their leggy superladies
i dont know that the locals would take to me running around in my tights, even the coloured ones. but you know who everyone takes to in a yeah-those-guys-are-wierd-but-its-ok way? the ones who line up for star wars movies dressed in costumes.
now i have nothing against costume, and have been known to wear one at times. these guys and girls are really really serious about it.
i think i have to go to a 'con' sometime just to get the full force of the whole trip.

so, we hung out in the back drinking and chilling by candlelight until the lights went on a few hours later

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