Saturday, May 19, 2007

last night

I had a great time last night at this artshare I went to. A bunch of people doing readings, mostly, of poems, plays, etc that they've written, all to great acclaim from us, the audience.

There's an old guy I see. He must know more than me. He must.
But I go to his house. To his house. And I show him what to do.
How can it be that I know more?
I charge by the hour, so I can't ask him what he knows.
I can't waste his time, his money.
I can't learn about his 80-some years, about his life, all that he knows.
I'm sad that our interaction is him paying me for my silly knowledge.
I imagine what he knows as I collect my cheque.
I imagine what I could learn and wish I didn't have to get paid for the time I spend with him.

Wednesday, May 16, 2007

An idea for Google Reader

here's an idea for the google reader people - when in a post in google reader (or pattycakes as it's called internally, I believe) an option was recently introduced that allows you to email a particular post.
quite convenient.

here's what I want to be able to do - in my iGoogle preferences, let me choose my default im client. right beside that lovely email link I spoke of above, put a link that will open up a chat window, or maybe pop up my entire buddy list.
then I can send that link by im, and not slow slow email.

i'm just saying.

oh, and if you don't use google reader, it's an RSS application - that is, a continuously updated feed of information from pretty much any website you could want, all on one page.
useful stuff.

Monday, May 14, 2007

This is pretty far out

check it

Sunday, May 13, 2007

Philly and so on

We're in Philly for the weekend for L's graduation from college.
It's really nice to be back here - it's definitely my top place where I would want to live, I'm pretty sure.
It just seems to have everything we could need, and for what it doesn't have, New York is just up the freakin' road.

Know what's good about my job? I get to tell people what they/I need/want and then they get it. No questions asked - or at least none that I can't answer in such a fashion as to dispel any doubts. Of course I don't get to walk away with it, but it's still cool to get this stuff, set it up and see it working well. How else would I get to set up all kinds of different routers, external drives, laptops, printers, etc etc etc.

jesus, what a geek!