Sunday, November 26, 2006

So here's a freakin' cool story

My dad was in synagogue this past shabbat, and there was a new person, obviously a visitor. As my dad does, he went over to the guy and introduced himself, welcome to providence - I'm Mark R.
Answers the guy, I'm Tsvi R.
(Assume that R. is the same name)
So where are you from, Tsvi-with-the-same-last-name?
Mexico City, he answers.

Hm, dad says - I have relatives there!

After some discussion and looking at our family tree (that cousin sarah awesomely did a while back), it turns out that my father and Tsvi share a great-great grandfather.
A while back my dad had visited some of the family down there, and my aunt has also.

this branch lives in Boston now, though there are still lots in Mexico still.
They even compared their thumbs - the R. thumb, as it turns out, and my dad and he both have it.


Tuesday, November 21, 2006


what do you mean, where am I? obviously i'm sitting in the bathrom of an office building, typing away. so far today, i've been to a famous theatre person's house. that's a neat thing about this job, is all the interesting people I meet. good stuff.
also, yesterday I was on the subway and hs guys shpiel was that he has no bowel control, and therefore needs money. huh. was I a hostage to stinkypants?
nope. I got off at the next stop.

this is the first post from on the road -in this case, the road is my office, where i am testing this keyboard.

Tuesday, November 14, 2006

starting a new job, and jobbing a new start

i said that just because i wanted to, but i couldn't think of anything clever that would work both ways.

so i started a new job as a Technical Consultant. I go to houses, apartments and small businesses all over the world (theoretically, at least) and fix computers. it's cool in some ways, not so cool in others.
feel free to ask me about that.

otherwise, all is good - the wife is working literally full-time; like 24 hours full-time, and the apartment is great.

is that it?