Sunday, October 29, 2006

it's sunday and it's dark

what a day, today.
just relaxed the entire day, sat around and relaxed.
that's all we did.
ordered in food, sat around, read, webbed, chilled.
an entirely comfortable day, it is so far.
m is napping, i'm watching pirates of the caribbean, part two.
we're planning on going out to dinner in a bit, so i hope that works out.

we had a great time last night, and by we, i mean the royal we.
went out to a bunch of parties, did a bunch of stuff and had a good time till pretty late.
it was good to have hair, if just for an evening.

Friday, October 27, 2006

livin large

just sitting around hanging out. baking bread. sweeping. mopping. washing dishes. organizing. doing laundry. straightening up. doing stuff.
hanging out. that's what I've been doing for a while, and it's all going to come to an end now.
there's a job i'm most likely taking, and for sure it's a good job. it's just been a long time since i worked. long for me at least - definitely the longest break since i ever started working full time, about eight (8) years ago.
the parentheses are there in case the word isn't clear enough, and you mistake eight (8) for a different number and end up going some other number of miles rather than eight (8) miles and run right off a cliff because that other number is what you entered in to your GPS thing.
huh. pretty crappy to blame it on the GPS thing, if you ask me. It's pretty common among some people, i'm sure, to blame their own personal failings on the technology that is around them and that they use every day, because they're just dumb.
or don't know english, in which case i'm being terribly mean.
so anyway, like i was saying, i will happy to be back at work, but not looking forward to working.

Monday, October 16, 2006

moving forward

just to let you know what's up:

We're settled in, more or less.
We have a sofa coming on Thursday. Sofa's are much more expensive than you would think. Unless you already know what they cost.
The lawyer started her job, and that's wild. I don't want to go into it, but it's going to take some time to get used to that. Even once I start working. I'm just more used to coming home to her; now it's the other way around.

I'm looking for jobs (i do computer fixing, macs and windows, if you hear of something or need some work done), meeting with random people, headhunters, hr people and the like. I put on my sharp-looking suit and tie and march off. Feels weird walking around the neighbourhood, I have to say.

Our place looks cool, also. It's really big, the outdoors space (terrace), the full kitchen, raccoon, doorbell, and closet space are all good. Please visit.

I guess I'm getting used to living back in NY, but I don't like not riding my bike as much, and I think it's too crowded everywhere.
And those damn handholding things on the bus? I walked into one today and have a massive bump on my forehead. Hurts, too.